Thursday, February 10, 2011

Closed In

At the beginning of this year I made the goal to go for a walk everyday around One. That way during the winter it wouldn't be too cold for Tim to be outside and I'll be home if Jon stops by for lunch. Well I was doing great up until a couple weeks ago when I was on our walk and couldn't figure out why the stroller kept turning when I didn't want it to. Much to my dismay, our stroller has a flat... And I would usually be able to go and buy a new tire, but once again we had another trial.
When Jon received his last pay check we lost most of it. Jon believes a lady behind him in a line at Walmart took it. I had hoped and prayed that it had fallen out of his back pocket and that someone would turn it in, but my faith in the goodness of people was dashed. So we have had to be very careful with our money these last few weeks.
Anyway as many of you know, Tim is a very big boy, so I can't just go walking around carrying Tim in my arms or my arms would fall off. I also have a little back pack carrier thing, but it's the type of carrier that you need two people to clip the baby in...
Needless to say I am feeling closed in.
I am so glad Jon gets paid every two weeks and not once a month. My tire is coming soon!!!