Monday, September 26, 2011

What a Weekend

This last weekend has been amazingly crazy!!! I wish I had taken some pictures!
Friday, after Jon got off work, We drove up to Malad, ID to visit Heather, Lyn, and the Kids. Mama Z met up with us later that night. We stayed up late talking, of course, all about politics, family stories, ect. Tim woke up right around midnight and did not want to go back to sleep. After lots of screaming and crying, Tim finally went down around one.
The next morning Tim woke up at 7. Needless to say we were exhausted.
Now, this weekend wasn't just being tired!
Heather made some awesome pancakes and ham! Tim loved them!
Then we went to Lance's eight year old soccer game. We had some good laughs and cheered hard! Their team won by one point! They were all so proud.
After Jon's mom and I went into the Family Dollar while Jon sat in the car while Tim slept. I have never seen a Dollar store like this. The thing was, the products weren't a dollar and under. I actually didn't see anything that was a dollar, but hey! It's Malad :) Everything was still a lot cheaper than it would be at any other store.
After saying goodbye's to the kids, Sharon, Heather, Jon, Tim, and I headed down to Salt Lake to join my mom and Gena Farrer at the Women's conference. We found the Navoo Cafe, the roasted turkey sandwich was FANTASTIC! Jon and Tim left us girls to go home, while we headed to the conference center. I have to say I love that building! It has such a strong spirit there, just walking in the building I felt such a peace.
As the meeting was starting, I realized I hadn't prayed about what answers I needed for this conference. I hurried and prayed that I needed to feel confidence in me being a mother. The meeting went on and the talks were amazing! I realized I needed to really get my visiting teaching done at the beginning of the month. That way I won't stress out about it. Then President Uchdorf spoke. All of my questions were answered in his talk! I have never felt so much better about myself!
I am so grateful for this gospel! I love that I have the knowledge that Heavenly Father knows me and loves me! He knows my heart and was able to prompt these people on how to help me, even if I didn't pray until last minute. I know that I have done my best, and He knows it.
Thank you father!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Finally the Shakespeare season has started for high school! I have the opportunity to help couch my dad's Shakespeare team at MVHS. This helps me so much with the withdraws of theatre. I love being able to work with these kids! We have started blocking and some of them have already started being memorized! Everyone is so talented this year!!! Look out everyone, Mountain View is coming to kick butt!!!!
Also! We recieved an email about Utah Shakespeare in the Park's season next summer and guess what?! They are doing both of my favorite shows! Richard III and Twelfth Night! I am hoping that I would be able to audition for one of them!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Deadly death

Pick 'em up! Move 'em down! Pick 'em on up! Move 'em on down! Ain't no time to celebrate! You are old and overweight! Gotta lose a million pounds! Get your fat butt off the ground! Reach on down and touch your toes! How long since you looked at those? Shape up! Lose weight! Get thin! Gotta win! Jumping jacks are good for you! Now your face is turning blue! Swing your arms around your back! Give yourself a heart attack! Gotta train! In the rain! In the sun! In the snow! Ten below! Gotta move! Gotta do! Gotta crow!
Yesterday I walked to the college to pick up Jon from school; it wasn't too bad until we got to the campus and randomly sidewalks would end and I would have to cross the street and then have to push the stroller through the grass just to get to the building. Retarded.
The worst part was walking uphill towards home. I was very grateful that Jon was with me to trudge up the hill and to talk with. Needless to say I was huffing and puffing up the hill. But we survived and made it home.
Last night I made a great basil burger! But later Jon had to do push ups and sit ups for his fitness class. We struggled and struggled through it.
So now we are going to do push ups and sit ups every night after our walk. And after a couple of weeks we will turn the walking into running. I'm hoping now that I've written it out we can keep it up!
Wish us luck!