Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Institute Presidente!

So last night was pretty much awesome! I was debating over whether or not to go to institute and just stay in my room, lye in bed, and watch TV. I went so I could see my friends since I hadn't seen them in about four weeks. When I got there everyone was super inviting and smiley faces. Brother B started explaining that our old Institute President is in Utah for school and we need a new one. He asked who didn't have a calling in the Branch, because we don't have enough YSAs to have a ward in case you didn't get that... ANY WHO... A bunch of us raised our hands and he called me! I know it's just for our small class of no more than 20, but I feel like this will totally help me make it to class every week!
And to top off the first half of the week god has cealed his answer from sunday with the scripture 2 Cor 6:14 basically I need to date only guys that are members of the church, which is in my P. Blessing too. I've kinda felt stupid everytime I've dated someone who isn't, kinda like I'm betraying God. Well from now on I'm going to say, No Thanks!
Yay institute!

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